I’M (NOT) A TREE, 2022

Realized  in occasion of Milan Green Week 2022, with the support of Fondazione Elpis, in collaboration with Forestami and sponsored by  The  Italian Paralympic Committee, Lombardy region

Partner: L&T’s NETWORK – studio legale e tributario, NOCENTRE srl società benefit, NOVANOVA impresa sociale, TrikeGo

Participants: ADSINT (Associazione Donatori Sangue Istituto Nazionale Tumori); ATLHA A.P.S. Onlus, Cargo Bikers Milano, Genitori Antismog, Associazione Culturale L’Ora Blu, Medici Senza Frontiere – gruppo volontari Milano, ASD RING of LIFE.

Project Management: Giuliana Baldassarre e Valentina Negri
Graphics: Marco Casella
Music: Fabio R. Lattuca – Rhegma (2010)
Photo: Stefania Zanetti
Video: Francesco Margaroli


Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures / Elena Grandi, Councilor for Environment and Green of the Municipality of Milan, Triennale Milano
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures / Bruno Barsanti, director, Fondazione Elpis / Triennale Milano
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures / Giuliana Baldassare, project manager and Pierangelo Santelli, president Italian Paralympic Committee, Lombardy Region
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I'M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement,Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures
Giuseppina Giordano, I’M (NOT) A TREE #freedomofmovement / Performance, special bikes (handbikes, tricycles), trees and 4 calendula flower sculptures